Useful Branches of Psyschology in the Field of Architecture Education
Updated: May 4, 2023
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind with respect to its behavior, according to the American Psychological Association psychology is the study of the human mind to understand how it works and affects its behavior.
In this article, we are going to discuss only those branches of psychology having a direct relationship with the field of architecture or architecture education.
Educational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Psychology of Art
1) Educational Psychology:
Educational Psychology is the scientific study of human learning processes from the perspective of cognition and behavior as its measures are used to enhance educational activities in relation to instructional design, classroom management, assessment, etc.
1.1 Application of educational psychology in various areas;
Instruction Methodology
Educational technology
Curriculum development
Organizational learning
Special education
Classroom management
Student motivation
and it contributes to other fields of psychology like cognitive psychology and learning science.
1.2 Theories of Educational Psychology;
Operant conditioning
Humanistic psychology
Gestalt psychology
Information processing
1.3 Renowned Educational Psychologist;
John Loke
Juan Vives
Johann Pestalozzi
Johann Herbart
William James
Alfred Binet
Edward Thorndike
John Dewey
Jean Piaget
Jerome Bruner
Benjamin Bloom
Nathaniel Gage
2) Cognitive Psychology:
Cognitive Psychology is the study of mental processes that affect behavior, that includes;
language use
2.1 Application of Cognitive Psychology in Various Fields of Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology
Personality Psychology
2.2 Renowned Cognitive Psychologist
John R. Anderson
Alan Baddeley
David Ausubel
Albert Bandura
Frederic Bartlett
Elizabeth Bates
Aaron T. Beck
Robert Bjork
Gordon H. Bower
Donald Broadbent
Jerome Bruner
Susan Carey
Noam Chomsky
Fergus Craik
Antonio Damasio
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Albert Ellis
K. Anders Ericsson
William Estes
Eugene Galanter
Vittorio Gallese
Michael Gazzaniga
Dedre Gentner
Vittorio Guidano
Philip Johnson-Laird
Daniel Kahneman
Nancy Kanwisher
Eric Lenneberg
Alan Leslie
Willem Levelt
Elizabeth Loftus
Alexander Luria
Brian MacWhinney
George Mandler
Jean Matter Mandler
Ellen Markman
James McClelland
George Armitage Miller
Ulrich Neisser
Allen Newell
Allan Paivio
Seymour Papert
Jean Piaget
Steven Pinker
Michael Posner
Karl H. Pribram
Giacomo Rizzolatti
Henry L. Roediger III
Eleanor Rosch
David Rumelhart
Eleanor Saffran
Daniel Schacter
Otto Selz
Roger Shepard
Richard Shiffrin
Herbert A. Simon
George Sperling
Robert Sternberg
Larry Squire
Saul Sternberg
Anne Treisman
Endel Tulving
Amos Tversky
Lev Vygotsky